On a site I am currently working on I have a content type that includes an entity reference field. When creating a node, the entity reference autocomplete includes the entity id in the field after selecting the entity desired. This can be confusing for the user.
When trying to find a solution to this problem I came across many issues and different proposed solutions including a sandbox module called Entity reference trim.
I tried the entity reference trim module but it has problems when the form was submitted and had errors.
Taking a closer look into this module I could see that it was altering the widget (adding a hidden field) and overriding some of the core Drupal js to do with the autocomplete functionality. While poking around the autocomplete javascript I noticed that the autocomplete fires a 'autocompleteValue' event.
Using this event I could change the entity reference field value and store it, then change it back when the form is submitted.
Below is the code that I am using but be aware that I have not yet tested it extensively and not tested it with multiple entity reference fields. Also, as the event bubbles, a more generic version could probably be coded.
NOTE: you will have to change the jQuery selector and this code will need to be changed to work for multivalue fields.
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.damnId = {
attach: function (context, settings){
// Get the entity reference input
$eref = $('#edit-field-postcode-suburb-und-0-target-id', context);
// If field has value on page load, change it.
var val = $eref.val();
var match = val.match(/\((.*?)\)$/);
$eref.data('real-value', val);
$eref.val(val.replace(match[0], ''));
// Listen for the autocompleteSelect event
$eref.once().on('autocompleteSelect', function(e, node){
var val = $(node).data('autocompleteValue');
var match = val.match(/\((.*?)\)$/);
// Put the value with id into data storage
$eref.data('real-value', val);
// Set the value without the id
$eref.val(val.replace(match[0], ''));
// On form submit, set the value back to the stored value with id
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